Ipek Faria Ipek Faria

The Digital Transformation of Auditing: Navigating New Frontiers

In the wake of the global pandemic, the auditing profession, like many others, found itself at a crossroads of rapid digital transformation. The need for remote work and social distancing accelerated the adoption of digital tools reshaping the landscape of audit practices. This blog delves into the profound impact of digitalisation on auditors, highlighting the challenges and opportunities it presents in the realms of platformisation, virtualisation, surveillance, and the blurring of professional boundaries.

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Ipek Faria Ipek Faria

Navigating the New Normal: How COVID-19 Transformed Audit Routines

The global upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has left no industry untouched, and the world of auditing is no exception. The sudden shift to remote work, coupled with stringent social distancing measures, posed unprecedented challenges for auditors. Traditionally reliant on in-person interactions and on-site examinations, audit firms had to quickly adapt to maintain the integrity and quality of their work.

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